A downloadable CopperCube extension for Windows

Buy Now$2.99 USD or more



CopperCube Image Sequence Animation Pro is a CopperCube extension bundle for setting up and letting you play .png image sequence animations on several scene nodes. Since video playback in CopperCube isn't available for the Free edition and somehow unreliable in the Pro & Studio versions playing animations like cut scenes, etc. from image sequences (without the need for correctly installed video media codecs) might offer the better solution. The Image Sequence Animation Pro extension bundle comes with two components:

1.) plugin_HadokenImportImageSequence.js for importing multiple .png images at once from user specified path locations to be stored and organized as image sequence holding child nodes under a selected animation folder parent scene node -> all images get completely embedded within your compiled CopperCube projects, no need to have extra image/texture files alongside your published .exe files. The plugin import function needs strict sequential numbered .png image files without leading zeros to work correctly like this: 1.png, 2.png. 3.png, 4.png, 5.png, 6.png, 7.png, 8.png, 9.png, 10.png, 11.png, etc. (there are lots of free batch rename tools for correct file name preparation - e. g. you can use this one for free: http://www.antp.be/software/renamer or search for a Gimp plugin called "export-layers-plus.scm").

(Warning: lots of big sized image files can influence loading times and game performance -> always try to find good balance between image file dimensions, resolutions and frame numbers to keep your projects performing well)

2.) behavior_HadokenImageSequencePlayer.js behavior extension for playing image sequence animations from user specified image sequence folders on 3D mesh, billboard & 2D overlay scene nodes with these main features:

- Forward & Reverse play mode

- PingPong play  mode

- custom AnimSpeed option ->also at runtime adjustable by individual corresponding CopperCube variable: <scenenode_name>.AnimSpeed

- supported CopperCube editions:  Free, Pro & Studio

- supported standalone publishing targets: OpenGL, DirectX & WebGL

Please check:

HadokenImageSequenceAnimationPro_2023-02-24_HowTo.mp4 HadokenImageSequenceAnimationPro_2023-02-25_Demo.ccb

to learn how the extensions work.


Unzip and put 1st component "plugin_HadokenImportImageSequence.js" into your CopperCube plugins folder,  furthermore place 2nd component "behavior_HadokenImageSequencePlayer.js" into your CopperCube extensions folder. Restart CopperCube to make both components available.

Find CopperCube & further general extension documentation under: https://ambiera.com/coppercube/index.html


Buy Now$2.99 USD or more

In order to download this CopperCube extension you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $2.99 USD. You will get access to the following files:

HadokenImageSequenceAnimationPro_2023-02-25.zip 107 MB
HadokenImageSequenceAnimationPro_2023-02-25_Demo.exe 50 MB

Download demo

HadokenImageSequenceAnimationPro_2023-02-24_HowTo.mp4 10 MB